You can better manage your time by allowing the toolbar to notify you of new emails. If you're using Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail or another pop3 email system, the toolbar can be setup to connect to all your accounts.
You can hook the toolbar into multiple email accounts. This facilitates centralized management of your email. You save time by only accessing your email when the ETP Network toolbar notifies you of new email. No more wasting time by logging in to individual email web sites to find out you have no new email.
On the left hand side of the toolbar is the ETP Network logo.
Click on the down pointing triangle between the ETP Network logo and the magnifying glass.
From the pull down menu select "Toolbar Options" (bottom menu selection).
Click the "E-mail Notifier" check box
Adding an E-mail Account
- Click on the "E-mail Notifier Settings" button
- Click on the "Add" button on the right
- For Account Type: click on the radio button for your email system
- Type your email address
- Type your password, if you want the Email notifier to automatically login to check for new email.
- Type the the text label to distinguish each email account (i.e. Bill's Yahoo Account, Bill's Gmail account etc.). It's very important to type a unique label, if you want to manage multiple email accounts through the toolbar.
- Once all settings are set, click the "OK" button at the bottom of the dialog box.
Start at step #2 to add another email account.
Click "OK" button once all email accounts are added.
Viewing New Email Through Toolbar
- For computer monitors 17" or smaller there is a right pointing double arrow >> on the far right hand side of the toolbar. Click on the double >> arrows. For monitors 19" or larger you should see the Email notifier display right in the toolbar.
- Within the drop down menu click on the email envelop icon.
- Select appropriate email account that shows new email in parenthesis.
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